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Membership Scheme

  • Honorary Judge Member – By Special Invitation

  • Advanced Judge Member (Coming soon)

  • Certified Judge Member – By application. Applicant must have significant & proven of judging experience, with 1 Committee’s Nomination and 2 Committee’s Approval; If from promotion of Associate membership, certified trainings or classes must be completed and passed in full. (Qualification review by sufficient CPD points required for every 3 years)

  • Associate Member – By Application, open to all wine lovers with wine judging interest 

  • PRC & Overseas Member - By Application, open to all PRC and Overseas on-trade and F&B personal with wine tasting experience (nomination by existing member is required)

  • Corporate Member -  By Application, open to all companies which can register 5 staffs (maximum) for HKWJA's activities

  • Student Member - By Application, open to all college / university students with wine judging interest (referral letters is required upon request)


  • 名誉審査員-スペシャルレター招待

  • 上級レビュアー(近日公開予定)

  • シニア/認定審査員 -  アフィリエイトメンバーから昇格した場合は、認定トレーニングまたはコースを完了し、アセスメントに合格する必要があります(3年ごと) (資格を再確認し、十分なCPDスコアが必要です)

  • 準会員 - アフィリエイトメンバー-オープンアプリケーション、ワイン愛好家や興味のあるワインレビューアの参加を歓迎

  • 海外会員 - 海外会員オープン申請、ケータリング事業に携わるすべての人、またはワインの試飲の経験がある人を歓迎します

  • 法人会員 - 会社のメンバーシップオープンアプリケーション、各会社は最大5人の従業員を登録して、当社の活動に参加できます。

  • 学生会員 - 18歳以上、ワイン文化を愛する、またはワイン評価活動に興味があり、現在カレッジまたは大学で勉強している学生または大学生(協会は関連する推奨事項の提出を申請者に要求する場合があります)

Benefits and Obligationメンバーの権利と期待

Certified Judge Member シニア/認定審査員

  1. The right to participate in Training Program 

  2. The right to purchase Training Text & Materials 

  3. The right to attend Association’s Event at Special Rate 

  4. The right to list names in Association’s website

  5. The right to use our official logo on your own name card (final artwork must submit for committee's approval) or free printing (100-300pcs) of HKWJA official name card

  6. One black member pin will be given (value at HK$50/no.)

Associate Member 準会員

  1. The right to participate in Training Program 

  2. The right to purchase Training Text & Materials 

  3. The right to attend Association’s Event at Special Rate 

  4. One red member pin will be given (value at HK$50/no.) 

Overseas Member 海外会員

  1. The right to participate in Training Program 

  2. The right to purchase Training Text & Materials 

  3. The right to attend Association’s Event at Special Rate 

  4. The right to list names in Association’s website

  5. The right to use our official logo on your own name card (final artwork must submit for committee's approval) 

  6. One redblack member pin will be given (value at HK$50/no.) 

Corporate Member 法人会員

  1.    The rights for registered staff to participate in training programs 

  2.    The right to purchase training materials 

  3.    The right to attend Association's events at special rate 

  4.    The priority to participate / sponsor in Association's events 

  5.    Certificate of Corporate Membership to be issued by HKWJA 

  6.    Maximum 5 red member pins will be given (value at HK$50/no.) 

Student Member 学生会員

  1. The right to join the workshop with free (3 times) 

  2. The right to participate in Training Program 

  3. The right to purchase Training Text & Materials 

  4. The right to attend Association’s Event at Special Rate 

  5. One red member pin will be given (value at HK$50/no.) 




Certified Judge Member シニア/認定審査員

  HK$600/year, HK$1620/3 years

Associate Member 準会員

  HK$500/year, HK$1350/3 years


Overseas Member 海外会員

  HK$500/year, HK$1350/3 years


Corporate Member 法人会員

  HK$2,000/year, HK$5,400/3 years


Student Member 学生会員

  HK$200/year (referral letter may required)

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